Ways to navigate complex times

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for trackwaysforchange.co.uk
Your trust is important to us at Trackways for Change. We want you to feel confident that any personal data that you share with us will be kept safe and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (G.D.P.R). This privacy policy let’s you know how we do this. We have tried to make the information as easy to understand as possible, please do get in touch if you have any questions.
In the day-to-day running of this website and our business we use 3rd party companies and platforms to host data and manage services. These companies include but are not limited to PAYPAL, SKYPE, ZOOM, MAILCHIMP, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and YOUTUBE. To the best of our knowledge, these companies do not sell or pass on any of your data that we store with them.

Cookies are small text files placed on your device that remember your web preferences and some details of your visits to websites. They don’t collect personal information. They are there to enhance your online user experience by helping the website to respond to you as an individual user and to tailor how it works with your needs and preferences. For information about how Weebly use Cookies to personalize your experience, analyse site useage and offer tailored promotions click on this link www.youronlinechoices.eu
By continuing to use our website you agree that we can save cookies on your device.

We, as Trackways for Change absolutely do not sell or give away any of your data to 3rd party companies for the purpose of sales or marketing. We do not collect any sensitive data about you. Sensitive data refers to data that includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health, genetic and biometric data.

Our Mailing List
You will only be on our mailing list if you signed up via this website trackwaysforchange.co.uk, the Facebook page Journey with the Seasons or our Facebook groups; ‘Seasonal Goddess Day to Day’ and ‘Be Your Magical Self Everyday’. You may also have signed up when you attended one of our face to face courses or workshops or have been a one-to-one client. This mailing list is managed by MAILCHIMP and there is an UNSUBSCRIBE option at the bottom of every single newsletter so you always have a choice as to whether you continue to receive newsletters from us.

One-to-one client Information.
To help us to support our clients in the best way we can, we keep the following information:

· Contact information, your phone numbers, email address, address and next of kin.
· Session notes, including health questionnaires and personal details relevant to the discussions we have had in sessions.

This is information is kept because:
​· We may need to get in touch about booking and organising your sessions.
· It helps us to know who to contact in an emergency and flags up any medical conditions we need to be aware of you (to make sure you’re safe during sessions).
· Our professional bodies (Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners, the Creative Kinesiology Association and the British Complementary Medicine Association ) and insurance companies require that we keep records of our work together for legal purposes.
· It helps the continuity between sessions.

How do you keep your information safe?

Confidentiality is at the very heart of what we do and that sense of security and privacy we hope gives you the space to explore, transform and heal.

Therefore keeping your personal information safe is a priority. Here is a list of some of the things we do to keep data (electronic and on paper) secure, but feel free to get in touch if there’s something you want to know about that isn’t here on this list.
· Locked storage of all papers
· Anonymising notes, calendar entries as far as possible
· Keeping personal information and ’conversations’ offline as much as possible (out of emails, texts and Messenger), e.g. talking about these face-to-face in sessions instead or bringing your client questionnaire back to us on paper so you don’t have to email personal information
· Security and passwords on all our devices (phones, laptops)

Will you share my personal information?
We will never share your client information and session notes without your consent**

What if I want you to delete all my information from your records?
We would like to be able to comply with any request to delete all your individual session records, however this is out of our hands. For legal purposes, our insurance company has asked us to keep client records and notes for seven years after your final session with us. We will regularly check our records to make sure that any client information that has passed this ‘retention’ period is taken out of secure storage and safely destroyed.

As a client you have legal rights under G.D.P.R. about the way we use your data, the main rights are:

· The right to be informed: We need to let you know that we’re collecting your information and how we plan to use it hence this privacy policy.
· The right of access to any data we are holding: You can ask us to send you a copy of the all personal data we hold about you (subject to some exceptions). You need to officially ask us in writing for this – the best way to do this is to email us at trackwaysforchange@gmail.com
· The right to rectification: Please get in contact with us if you think we hold any incorrect details for you and we will check our records and amend as necessary.
· The right to erasure: You can ask to have your data deleted if we’ve done something unlawful with it (e.g. sold it on to someone else) or we no longer need it (e.g. you’ve asked to be taken off our mailing list or you’re no longer a client). Obviously, this is subject to the rules we have to follow about keeping notes and info for legal/insurance purposes.

You can find out more about all the rights you have on the Information Commissioner’s webpage about individual rights.

** Obviously, although we’d ideally not share your information with anyone at all, there are very rare occasions where we may have no choice e.g. if the law requires us to do so.


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Ways to navigate complex times