A good time to tend

The metal element: a good time to tend.
Grief. inspiration, letting go of the old, focusing on the new.
The Lung meridian:
This meridian replenishes us with life giving chi from the heavens. It’s peak activity time of 3-5am has inspired people for millenia to connect to something bigger than them through meditation or prayer before they begin their day. In kinesiology it holds the issues of self-confidence and self-worth. Breathing well is a way to find inspiration and feel restored.
The Large Intestine meridian:
This meridian retrieves the precious minerals, vitamins and water from the end of the digestive process before completely ‘letting go’. In self-development this is about retrieving the nuggets, gifts or value from any difficulty we have had, before we fully release old habits, patterns, relationships or beliefs. We may need to let go physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, whichever way, the surrender can painful, beautiful and profound. We are then free to focus with clarity on what we really value in our lives.


#kinesiology #5elements #muscletesting #grief #metalelement #meridians #trackwaysforchange

Focus on what’s precious

A couple of times this last week it has felt, to me, like we are transitioning out of Late Summer and into Autumn. The dewey mornings, the cooler evening temperatures, the feeling in my lungs (one of the autumnal meridians) as the cold air catches a little on the morning dog walk, and of course the drawing in of the evenings.
Although not a royalist, the grief that many are feeling is very much of the lung meridian.
In the Five Element map this is a move from the Earth element (feeling nurtured, nourished and fully present) into the Metal element (feeling clearer, more focused and wanting to ‘clear out the metaphorical and actual cupboards’). The ‘feeding’ cycle of the five elements shows that with the progression of the seasons, comes the cycle of the elements. In this cycle Earth gives up its ores to create metal- the precious/semiprecious gems and minerals arise out of the belly of the Earth. This is a precious gifting.
This weekend let’s look around and focus on what is precious, what we feel blessed by, what do we really appreciate in our lives.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
And sending love to those who are feeling loss and grief, either current, or re-emerging from the past,
Sarah-Jayne ? ✨❤️


#5elements #grief #lungmeridian #metalelement #transitions #earthelement #latesummer #autumn #pathofnoticing #journeywiththeseasons #trackwaysforchange

Journey through the meridian system

The Earth element of late summer loves routine and rituals. With the start of the academic year many are finding there way into a daily routine that works for themselves and their household. Just as we have a seasonal easier and more challenging time over a year in our Five Elements, we also have this over a 24hr day.
Each day we go on a journey through our meridian system. On the facebook page we usually talk about our journey with the elements and the meridians over a year of seasons.
However this is the 24hr clock in relation to the peak and ebb times of our meridian system. This has implications for how we can live our lives optimally.
Want to find out more? Thr next foundation level kinesiology course starts in October  Find out more here
with love, Sarah-Jayne ? ❄ ?
#24hr #5elements #trackwaysforchange #pathofnoticing #timing #balance #TCM #acupuncturetheory #meridians #creativekinesiology #weloveck #LifeTracking #bodytracking

Are you feeling balanced?

The Supraspinatus is a relatively small muscle of the upper back and is one of the four rotator cuff muscles. We call this muscle ‘fig leaves’ in the foundation training, as the line of motion is moving the hands into the mid line to ‘cover your modesty’.
This muscle comes up in a kinesiology session when issues that affect the Central Meridian are creating a lack of balance, such as: overthinking, not understanding a situation or new concept, feeling ‘blown about’ by life’s events, or being at the whim of others.
A favourite balancer is to rub, with some pressure, the join between the arms and the torso, especially for those who hunch over a computer or who drive alot.
Want to know more? The next foundation course starts in October. Find out more here
with love, Sarah-Jayne ? ❄ ?

#kinesiology #LifeTracking #bodytracking #creativekinesiology #weloveck #centred

Welcome to March

As the early Spring blossoms begin to emerge, pace begins to gather. The days are longer (the last dog walk here is happening later and later) and the Water element of Winter feeds the rising sap, fuelling the Wood element of Spring. New growth will really begin to show itself, although the weather may challenge it’s resilience.
March is a great month for:
? Planting seeds actually and metaphorically
❄ Tending new growth with softness and protection in case of unexpected weather, on any level.
? Pacing ourselves, overstretching in the rising excitement of the new is a real possibility
❄ Keeping one eye on our dreams and reserves, one eye on our plans and actions
? Setting dates, firming up our vision for the year ahead and making a plan of how we might ‘make it happen’
Wishing you a fabulous new month, even given the state of the world.
with love, Sarah-Jayne ? ❄ ?

A note on the seasonal times…

As the Water element of Winter start to feeds the rising sap, into the Wood element of Spring, what new growth are you tending, what would you like to create and take action on in 2022?
As we plant seeds of intention, it’s good to remember:
? When a seed germinates, it first sends down a root, to help anchor the new growth when it comes. On the surface it looks like nothing is happening. TRUST is needed here.
❄ New growth needs tending with softness and protection in case of unexpected weather, on any level.
? To keep the Wood Element moving, name new growth areas, plans, firm up visions for the year ahead and make a plan of how to ‘make it happen’.
❄ Expect the unexpected, us humans are mere small grains of sand in the vastness of all possibilities.

Still Winter

The temperature this evening shows we are still, just, in Winter. The sharpness in the air met by the beauty of our sickle Moon. The blue of the sky reminding me of the Water element which we can really work with now, in this season (and in all seasons really, tho the seasonal wave brings added oompft).
May you rest well tonight and fill up with trust in places where fear may have taken a hold.
(Geese honking their approval on their way home to the local lake for the night, as I write this post).