Welcome to March

As the early Spring blossoms begin to emerge, pace begins to gather. The days are longer (the last dog walk here is happening later and later) and the Water element of Winter feeds the rising sap, fuelling the Wood element of Spring. New growth will really begin to show itself, although the weather may challenge it’s resilience.
March is a great month for:
? Planting seeds actually and metaphorically
❄ Tending new growth with softness and protection in case of unexpected weather, on any level.
? Pacing ourselves, overstretching in the rising excitement of the new is a real possibility
❄ Keeping one eye on our dreams and reserves, one eye on our plans and actions
? Setting dates, firming up our vision for the year ahead and making a plan of how we might ‘make it happen’
Wishing you a fabulous new month, even given the state of the world.
with love, Sarah-Jayne ? ❄ ?